Frequently Asked Question

I installed Spellex Dictation, what do I do next?
Last Updated 7 years ago

Once the Spellex vocabulary file has been copied to your local hard drive, you must import it to your speech recognition software. Please follow the steps below.

  1. Please make sure your audio device (microphone) is connected to your computer.
  2. Use your speech recognition program's Import Word List feature to add the Spellex vocabulary file to your master vocabulary list.
  3. Open your Speech Recognition Professional or Premium program.
  4. From the Main Menu, click on "Vocabulary" and then "Import list of Words or phrases…".
  5. The "Add word from word lists" window will appear, select "Next".
  6. Select "Add File" and browse to the following folder:

    "C:\Program Files\Spellex\Spellex Dictation"
    NOTE: For 64-bit machines browse to the following folder:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spellex\Spellex Dictation"

  7. Select the appropriate Spellex file, for example "SpxMedLE.txt", and click "Open".
  8. Select Next to begin the import process. This process may take a several minutes depending on your configuration.
  9. When file analysis is completed select Next.
  10. Spellex has now been added to your profile. Select "Finish" to close the window.

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